Sunday, April 18, 2010


baru kepikiran akhir-akhir ini..

setelah sekian banyak cewek yang hadir di kehidupanku,yang paling banyak adalah sosok sahabat. sosok yang bisa diajak seru-seruan,tanpa ada kesan jaim.

soalnya dulu ada kesan, kalo dihadapan sosok yang disenengin itu pasti harus tampil perfect.

sebenernya ga juga, setelah dijalanin begitu rupa.

ada beberapa sosok cewek yang hadir dalam bentuk-eh kok bentuk si-
dalam wujud -sama aja- seorang sahabat..

dulu jaman esde, ada namanya Dewi Yuliana. dia nyomblangin gw sama temennya. dan ajaibnya gw lebih akrab ma dia dibanding ma temennya yang akhirnya jadi cewek gw.
soalnya ada kesan jaim itu tadi. dimana kalo sama sahabat,pasti kita diterima apa adanya.
*jaman esde ntu pacaran isinya malu2 doang..:))

jaman esempe juga gitu ada namanya Ririsma Romarito Tinambunan, dia juga sobat gw.duduk disebelah gw, nah sama ini cewek juga gw akrab banget. sampe sering curhat tentang kecengan gw yang kali ini gagal gw dapetin.
tapi dibalik itu semua gw seneng punya temen akrab kayak gini. kebetulan tu cewek rada cablak.tapi dia itu sohib gue abis.sampe ada yang gosipin kita pacaran

kalo jaman esema ada Alfina Shofa, begitu pula perannya. tapi gagal juga..ahahhaa
tapi selalu menyenangkan berteman dengan sobat cewek

dimana perasaan -khususnya asmara- tidak bermain disini. hanya perasaan nyaman dan mungkin kedekatan emosional tanpa asmara..

dari situ timbul kebingungan, terkadang menemukan sesosok cewek yang sekiranya enak banget dianggep sahabat. tapi disisi laen,pengen mendapatkannya -macarin-
disisi laen lagi,ga pengen kehilangan sosok sahabat yang mungkin masi di anggap di satu pihak saja..


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yahoo Messenger Power User

pernah liat ga ada logo ato lambang mahkota di samping status ym temen lo?
nah, berhubung di ym gw ada tu logo, banyak yang nanyain itu bikinnya gimana..

awalnya si gw ga tau, tapi setelah sekian orang yang nanya. penasaran juga gimana bisa
gw pikir gara-gara versi ym yang gw pake, tapi ternyata ga juga.

setelah googling, ini jawabannya versi linggis

What does the crown mean on Yahoo Messenger on ur status?

Congratulations , You are Power User--
You stay in touch with tons of friends with Yahoo! Messenger, and you push Yahoo! Messenger to the limits. As a special thanks, we'd like to reward you with some perks.
The Power User program rewards IM’ers like you. With what? Stuff you want! Like early access to the newest versions of Yahoo! Messenger and status icons no one else can get. Power Users also receive priority Customer support, including access to live agents. We’ll keep listening for more of the benefits you want added to the list. It's our way of saying thanks for using Yahoo! Messenger as much as you do!
paragraph from here:

For More information:


The Crown is what they call an Online Presence indicator…

What’s the buzz on Messenger’s Power Users?

Yahoo! Messenger’s Power Users push the boundaries by sending the most IMs and engaging with the most friends. They get many cool perks, and first access to new products.

Power Users enjoy a variety of benefits, including:

1. Exclusive online indicators
2. Custom Avatar Accessories
3. Enhanced Customer Care
4. Special contests & giveaways
5. Invitation to try new products first

Customized Poweruser Online Presence indicators…
Avatar Luau…

Special IMV
We’ve made a special IMV based on your feedback to integrate great pictures from Flickr in Messenger (Yahoo! Messenger 9.0 only (you can enable it by going to this page and click on the IMV link to activate it.

Entitled to 24 hr customSpecial IMV
We’ve made a special IMV based on your feedback to integrate great pictures from Flickr in Messenger (Yahoo! Messenger 9.0 only (you can enable it by going to this page and click on the IMV link to activate it.

All-Stars Group
Stay informed on future exclusive benefits and giveaways for Power Users…

Exclusive Online Indicators
Across the web, let people know if you're online. There's a limited series of Icons that only you have access to!
Crown Trophy Badge Crown#2 Don't show my…

24 hr customerservice
You're number 1 in our eyes, so as a Power User exclusive, we always have people here to answer your questions about Messenger in minutes…


While Logged into your account
go to this link

If The options above are not available-
the page will tell you how to get it ok
Search and found more help and info

artinya gw power user...

blom gw pelajarin juga si..

baca-baca dulu ah